Tuesday, November 8, 2016

My MommyCon Experience + Coupon Code


This past weekend I attended the much-awaited MommyCon at the San Jose Convention Center. It was just this year that I came to know of MommyCon and I immediately got my tickets. I was lucky that I did not have to drive a hundred miles or to a different state to be at MommyCon. 

San Jose was the last MommyCon of this year and it coincided with the Halloween weekend, which made it more special. I also had the good fortune of becoming a part of MommyCon's media team. I got my husband along to have a family day out.  

As the day approached, I could not hold my excitement any longer. I reached the venue ahead of time as I was not sure about getting to park close to the venue. MommyCon had been resourceful in providing the participants with a parking map around the venue. I happened to get a parking spot right next to the venue and at the cheapest rate. 

There was a Media members-only breakfast prior to the event and I really enjoyed the spread. So, did my 13-month-old, who wanted a share of everything. 

At first glance, I have to admit, MommyCon did look smaller to me compared to what I had expected from the MommyCon social media photographs. I thought I would be done covering it all in a couple of hours. But I was wrong. It took me the entire day to go around all the stalls and attend all the sessions. 

What sessions you ask? MommyCon actually started on Friday with an exciting line-up of VIP sessions about baby-wearing, feeding the baby, cloth diapering etc. The VIP sessions come at an additional cost of $50-$100, depending on the session. I did not get a chance to attend any of the VIP sessions but I got very positive feedback from moms who did. 

On Saturday, there were 3 sessions held every one hour. These sessions were open to anyone with a general admission ticket. Some of the sessions that took place were Natural Birth, Green-washing, Cloth Diapering, Geek Parenting, Car Seat safety, Potty-training, Baby-wearing, Wrapping by Moby Wrap, Mom Guilt, Intimacy after baby, Post-partum rehabilitation, Body Positive Image and Menstruation Workshop by the DivaCup. There was also a special session for expectant parents and Sleep Consultation. I wish I could attend all, but I attended as many as I could. All these sessions left me feeling more hopeful, confident and empowered. My favorites were Car Seat safety by That Dad Mat, What love Tastes like by The Leaky Boob and Potty  Training by Super Undies. The speakers were very resourceful and relatable, funny and most importantly, real and made moms feel like they are not alone in their struggle with different aspects of parenthood. Having that kind of support is all a mom needs sometimes.

I loved how MommyCon had paid attention to details and made sure everyone attending the event had fun. There was a crafts and coloring corner for the older children. There was Baby Food Corner by Stonyfield YoBaby, serving unlimited bibs, spoons and yogurt to babies and moms. YoBaby is my son's yogurt of choice and he was just too happy to be digging in it.

There was Vagina Village, dealing with issues of Feminine Health through a couple of sessions.

There was a Quiet Room for the little ones to nap in peace. It had playpens, sleeping accessories and dim lights.

There was also a Changing Area by Babyganics with an unlimited supply of diapers, wipes and hand sanitizers. So, all any mom needed to enjoy the day was her baby(ies) and not care if she was well-equipped with baby supplies. 

There was a great array of exhibitors showcasing innovations in the land of baby products. It was a shopaholic mommy's paradise. From feeding accessories, baby balms, baby food, diaper bags, breast pads and teething jewelry, baby carriers and nursing covers to car seats and cloth diapers, they had it all. On the one hand there were start-ups that were yet to make their retail presence felt; on the other hand there were retail giants like Babies R Us and Stonyfield Yogurt and Babyganics. My son enjoyed the little snack samples handed out by the baby food brands like Happy Baby, Yobaby yogurt and Plum Organics. 

And just when I was overwhelmed purchasing baby products, I noticed there was a bunch of stuff for mommies too like organic breast pads, sanitary pads, tampons, all free of harmful chemicals. 

If you are anything like me and retail therapy is your solution to all kinds of stress, MommyCon was THE place. 

MommyCon, as an advocate of natural parenting, has been very influential and inspirational for me as a new parent. Sadly, MommyCon is giving the bay area a miss in 2017, but I plan on visiting Orange County for being part of this grand experience all over again. 

Tickets are on sale at MommyCon. If you want a $5 discount on your ticket, for any location (US and Canada), use the coupon code MOMMYLISCIOUS17. 

This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. 

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