Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Baby Must-Haves 0 to 6 months


I am the kind of person who likes to research everything before taking a leap. Ever since I was blessed with motherhood, I dived head-on into everything 'baby'. From nursery decor ideas to mommy and baby must-haves to baby products etc. I found lots of lists but not all the items on the list were actually helpful in life with a newborn. Here is a list of things (in random order) that made my life so much easier in the first 6 months with my son:

The Boppy Pillow:
I had exclusively breastfed my son for 6 months and plan on continuing for at least another 6 months. My one best friend since day 1 has been the Boppy Pillow. It made breastfeeding so much easier. I believe you should feel comfortable while breastfeeding, and the Boppy Pillow did just that. The more stress-free you are the more milk you will produce. Any nursing pillow of your choice is an absolute necessity. 

The Changing Station:
When you have a newborn who poops and spits up several times a day, a changing table with a changing pad is what you need. A newborn needs to be changed so many times that the changing station is totally going to be worth it. Yes, 10 diaper changes, spit ups, blow-outs will keep you on your toes. My son loved the changing station. It made him happy all the time. I actually used the top of a small dresser as my changing table so that I don't have to deal with a useless piece of furniture once my son grows up (frugal me!). I had the easy-to-clean Summer Infant Changing Pad and plush cover. 

A Baby Bathtub:
Just as you get your newborn home, sponge baths will be a part of your daily activities. Gradually you will move on to real baths. And none of it is possible without a baby bathtub. Bathtime is something I look forward to everyday; it's so much fun. My son loves bathtime too. My advice is to get a bathtub that will grow with your baby and he can use it when he is a toddler. I have the Fisher-Price Whale bathtub. 

A Swing:
The swing is a life-saver. It was the only place I could strap my son in and take a shower. Yes, taking a shower is a task you have to think about once you have a baby! And you have to think of safe places where you can put your baby when you need to shower. Also, my son loves napping in the swing, giving me a lot of time to finish work around the house. He is 6 months old now and still loves being on the swing. We have the Fisher-Price SnugABear Swing. 

A Wubbanub:
The pacifier was introduced to my son on the second night at the hospital when he was fussing a lot. Since then, the Phillips Soothie is the only pacifier that he takes. I got a bunch of other pacifiers but he liked none. The Wubbanub with the Soothie attached has been my son's favorite lovey from the newborn stage. He chews on it now as he is teething, so I had to stop giving it to him. Thankfully enough, he is not addicted to pacifiers and I don't have to conjure stories of Binky fairies. 

The Carseat Canopy:
Sunny Southern California makes it impossible to be out and about with your baby and not have a carseat canopy. It helped me keep the sun out in summer and the chilly wind in winter. We travelled with him a lot from the time he was 10 days old. The canopy also came in handy for peaceful naps in the car. I have a canopy from the Carseat Canopy Company. 

The Diaper Pail:
Before I had my son I thought that the Diaper Pail was nice-to-have but not a must-have. 1 week into life with a newborn and I realized just how important the diaper pail is. With about 10 diapers a day, a diaper pail became real useful. It kept away the odor and it is a nice disposal system in the nursery. I have the Diaper Champ, which uses regular kitchen bags instead of special refills (again, frugal me!). It has cut the cost of maintenance to zero, yet does the work perfectly. 

A Wipes Warmer:
Since my son was born in the fall, and had to experience winter very early on in life, the wipes warmer became an important addition to the nursery. Cold baby wipes can be really annoying for a baby in winters. And when you have to use wipes on your baby so often, why not make the experience a little comfortable. I have the Prince Lionheat Diaper Caddy with the Wipes Warmer and I absolutely love it. 

The Baby Carrier:
This has been so handy for short grocery trips or running little errands. My son loved it in the newborn stage as he would be cozying up to me in it. As he kept growing up he loved the carrier more than the stroller. I have the Infantino Fusion Baby Carrier and it actually allows 4 carrying positions making it grow with the baby. 

Saline Drops:
you may be thinking, what? Saline Drops? But Saline Drops have saved my life. Cleaning my son's nose with a nasal aspirator would not have been possible had saline drops not saved the day. Cleaning boogers became a cake walk! (Yes, when you are a Mom, you have to discuss boogers and poop.) Although my son did not have a stuffy nose, saline drops has been a part of my daily grooming routing with my son. I use the Little Remedies Saline Drops. 

Every baby and his needs are different. These are the things that helped me as a new mom. Let me know if you agree with any of the products listed above and the things that you found absolutely necessary. If you want a detailed review of any of the products, just let me know. 

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