Friday, March 4, 2016

Confessions of a New Mom


Nothing can prepare you for motherhood like the birth of your child. I read whatever maternity literature I could lay my hands on. I subscribed to some parents' magazines, downloaded several apps and joined numerous online communities just so I could have a heads up on life-with-a-newborn. 

All I got to know was that my life would change, my body would change etc etc. But how? I did not have a very clear idea about the 'how' part. 

Here is a list of things I found out only after I gave birth and learnt the hard way:

The possibility of having stretchmarks is said to be genetic and nothing can stop it. It is so true. I had covered myself with bottles of oils and lotions right from my first trimester and I was happy that I escaped the deadly hands of stretchmarks because I did not get any. Till my last week of pregnancy, week 39. I gave birth a day before my due date. And in that last week my hips were filled with reddish purple stretchmarks. They just multiplied overnight. A week post-partum my lower abdomen too started developing stretchmarks (thankfully not red, but silvery white). Now I am 6 months post-partum and the stretchmarks are getting lighter in color. 
Whatever your genes may determine, I still believe that anti-stretchmarks oils and lotions won't hurt. So, keep on using them pre and post pregnancy. 

After giving birth to my son, when I came home from the hospital, I still looked very much pregnant! Yes, the uterus takes about 6 weeks to get back to its pre-pregnancy size. And in those 6 weeks you end up looking the way you looked in your second trimester. A week after delivery you will lose much of the fluid and a lot of weight. From there on the weight loss will be gradual and the uterus will take its own sweet time to deflate. If you are breastfeeding this process will get expedited. But you will not end up looking like the Hollywood Moms on the red carpet a week after giving birth. 

Your hips will get broader post-pregnancy and no matter how much weight you lose post-partum, your pre-pregnancy jeans will never fit or look the same on you again. 

I was so happy with the improved quality of my hair during pregnancy. But after I gave birth, I was in for a rude shock when I started losing hair. Taking a shower was a nightmare with the crazy amount of hair falling off. When I asked my doctor, she said nothing can really help because it is natural after giving birth due to hormonal imbalance. Apparently, you have less hairfall if you are not breastfeeding. And I was exclusively breastfeeding. So you can imagine!

Pee, poop and puke:
What no one told me is I will get pee-ed, pooped and puked on several times a week with a newborn. You not only have to change your baby but also change your own clothes several times a day. If you have a baby boy like I do, chances are you will get pee-ed on more, compared to girls. But what amazes me is how much I love this little human being who pees, poops and pukes on me and pulls my hair. 

People just told me that you will have sleepless nights with a newborn. Thankfully my son has never put me through that. But what I discovered in the process is that the quality of sleep suffers. Firstly, you will forget what it is like to sleep uninterrupted through the night, what with night-time feedings every 2 hours! And then you will learn to sleep in a way you are fully alert of any sound coming from your baby. That's when you know you are a mom. 

The diaper bag:
Although there are so many fancy diaper bags in the market and so many videos telling you what to put in the diaper bags, you will figure out what you need for your baby only after you have been out with him/her a few times. No amount of videos will prepare you to pack your diaper bag. Each baby is different as are his needs. As a mom you will know what your baby needs when on-the-go. The number of extra diapers, the lotions, the binky, the blankets - all differ depending on the need on the baby. 

Baby clothes:
I do not understand why baby clothes are so freakishly expensive when they use such little fabric! It does not make sense spending a fortune on baby clothes when they are actually worn for only a couple of months. But with the amount of cute baby clothes in the stores, it is hard to resist. And when you have your first baby, the urge to spend on baby clothes is a little overwhelming. One thing I have learnt is that never buy clothes that are the current size for your baby. For instance, if your baby is 2 months old, do not buy clothes that say 0-3 months. Instead get 3-6 months. Because the size of clothes vary from band to brand. And most importantly, you don't know how quickly babies grow and outgrow clothes their size. So, getting a size bigger not only allows space for the baby to grow and makes it more comfortable, but is also used for a longer time. Personally, I find it heartbreaking to put aside clothes that my son has outgrown. I mean, I do feel happy that he is growing alright, but the little clothes bring memories of when he was little. 

As my son turns 6 months today, may be I will no longer categorize as a 'new mom'. It feels sad because you don't realize how time just flies. It feels like the other day that I was on my way to the hospital after my water broke and in the blink of an eye my son is having solids and celebrating 6 months. 

Most people will tell you about the hardships of life with a newborn but the truth is you won't feel any of it because you will not have the time to. By the time you will get some time to sit and think about your experience as a new mom, your baby will probably be all grown up, sleeping through the night, weaned to solids, rolling over, sitting up and laughing when spoken to. Those little newborn hands and toes grow bigger in a jiffy. The baby smell does not linger too long. Savor each moment because it will never come back. The sleep, the hair and the pre-pregnancy body will be back, but your newborn will not. Before you know it he will be asking for your car keys. Cuddle and kiss your newborn as much as your want and keep him close to your chest, soak in the moment and inhale the baby smell as deeply as you can, 'cause it ain't coming back. You will know why babies are called bundle of joy once your bundle arrives. 

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